स्वास्थ्य सुझाव : सूरजमुखी के बीज एक अनोखा खजाना

सूरजमुखी के बीज एक अनोखा खजाना

सूरजमुखी के बीज एक अनोखा खजाना है, क्योंकि उसमे बहुमूल्य पोषक तत्व सेहत के लिए अच्छे माने गए है। इन बीजों कैलोरी की बहुत ही पौष्टिक, जिसमें आवश्यक वसायुक्त एसिड, विटामिन और खनिज हैं। चमकीले पीले केंद्र अक्सर काले और सफेद धारियों के आकार के भूरे या काले गोले में बंद भूरा हरा या काला बीज पैदा करता है।
आम तौर पर सूरजमुखी के बीज के तीन प्रकार हैं: लिनोलेनिक, अत्यधिक ओलिक और NUSUN। ये संतृप्त, असंतृप्त मोनो और पॉलीअनसेचुरेटेड वसा के अपने स्तर के आधार पर वर्गीकृत किया गया है।

सूरजमुखी के बीज पोषक तत्वों का अमीर भण्डार है जिसमें विटामिन ई और बी और सेलेनियम, मैग्नीशियम, आयरन, फास्फोरस, कैल्शियम और जिंक के साथ ही प्रोटीन और दिल स्वस्थ वसा जैसे खनिजों की एक तत्व हैं।

इसमें  होने वाले पोषक तत्वों को गहराई से विश्लेषण के लिए नीचे दी गई तालिका देखें:

पोषक तत्व प्रति 100 ग्राम (3.5 oz)

Energy2,445 kJ (584 kcal)
Dietary fiber 
20 g

2.62 g

8.6 g

51.46 g
Latitude :28.3000° N
Longitude :79.8000° E
District :Pilibhit
Tehsil/ Taluka : Bisalpur
State :Uttar Pradesh 
Latitude :28.3000° N
Longitude :79.8000° E

20 g
Sugars 2.62 g
Dietary fiber 8.6 g
51.46 g
Saturated 4.455 g
Monounsaturated 18.528 g
Polyunsaturated 23.137 g
20.78 g
Thiamine (B1) (129%) 1.48 mg
Riboflavin (B2) (30%) 0.355 mg
Niacin (B3) (56%) 8.335 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
(23%) 1.13 mg
Vitamin B6 (103%) 1.345 mg
Folate (B9) (57%) 227 μg
Choline (11%) 55.1 mg
Vitamin C (2%) 1.4 mg
Vitamin E (234%) 35.17 mg
Calcium (8%) 78 mg
Iron (40%) 5.25 mg
Magnesium (92%) 325 mg
Manganese (93%) 1.95 mg
Phosphorus (94%) 660 mg
Potassium (14%) 645 mg
Sodium (1%) 9 mg
Zinc (53%) 5 mg

5. Bone Health:

Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium which is also necessary for strong bones besides calcium. Most of the magnesium in the body is present in our bones and helps lend bones their physical structure while the rest is located on the surface of the bones where it is stored for the body to be used according to requirement. These seeds also contain copper which is vital for the function of enzymes involved in cross linking collagen and elastin, thus providing strength and flexibility in bones and joints. Vitamin E is effective in reducing arthritis symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Beneficial for the Nerves:

Magnesium in sunflower seeds keeps our nerves relaxed by preventing calcium from rushing into the nerve cells and activating them, thereby relaxing our blood vessels and muscles too. Too little magnesium results in too much calcium gaining entrance to the nerve cells, causing it to send too many messages and leading to too much contraction.

7. Mental Health:

Sunflower seeds have a positive effect on your mood by lessening the chances of depression. They contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps produce serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. When serotonin is released in our bodies, it relieves tension, calms the brain and promotes relaxation. Choline, a compound found in sunflower seeds helps in improving memory and cognitive function. Magnesium helps diminish the frequency of migraine attacks, lowers blood pressure and prevents heart attack, soreness and fatigue. Sunflower seeds also have high amounts of potassium which helps to counterbalance the effect of sodium in your blood and lowers blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of developing hypertension.

8. Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Vitamin E in sunflower seeds is the body’s primary fat soluble antioxidant. This vitamin travels throughout the body neutralizing free radicals that would otherwise damage fat-containing structures and molecules like cell membranes, brain cells and cholesterol. Thus, vitamin E exhibits significant anti-inflammatory effects, resulting in the reduction of diseases caused by free radicals and inflammation such as asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

9. Source of Antioxidants:

Sunflower seeds are rich in antioxidants such as selenium and vitamin E. These antioxidants prevent or limit oxidative damage to your cells, thus protecting you from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Sunflower: Skin Benefits:

Adequate nutrition is a pre requisite for healthy skin. As stated earlier, sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E which protects your skin from oxidative (cell) damage and supports healthy skin growth. Some of its skin benefits are as follows.

10. Skin Protection and Maintenance:

Sunflower seeds also contain copper which is vital for maintaining a healthy skin. Copper is utilized by our body to produce melanin, the pigment which is responsible for giving your skin its color. The minute particles of this protein pigment protect your skin from damage by ultraviolet radiation.

11. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Sunflower seeds contain certain nutrients which contribute to the health and vitality of the skin. Vitamin E is one of those which help in preventing the skin from free radical damage as well as sun damage. It also prevents scarring and appearance of wrinkles. The seeds also contain beta-carotene which makes your skin less sensitive to the sun. The various other antioxidants in sunflower seeds protect your skin from environmental damage, thus preventing signs of ageing.

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12. Combats Acne and Other Skin Problems:

Sunflower seed oil is a good source of essential fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic, palmitic and steraric acids which encourage the formation of collagen and elastin, thus making your skin soft and smooth. The fatty acids have anti-bacterial properties which protect your skin from bacteria, thus lowering the occurrence of acne. According to research, sunflower seed oil may help protect the skin of infants born prematurely by reducing the risks of skin infection and disease. It is also believed that sunflower oil can soothe dermatitis and eczema.

13. Great Moisturizer:

Sunflower seed oil acts as a great moisturizer, helping your skin to retain most of that moisture and providing a strong barrier. Its moisturizing qualities can be attributed to the presence of linoleic acid.

Sunflower: Hair Benefits:

Sunflower seeds contain vital vitamins and minerals which are needed for healthy hair such as protein, selenium, vitamin E and B vitamins.

14. Stimulates Hair Growth:

Zinc contained in sunflower seed promotes hair growth. However, excess consumption of zinc can lead to hair loss. Vitamin E also stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. It should also be consumed in moderation as too much of it can cause hair loss.

15. Prevents Hair Loss:

Sunflower seeds also contain vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which is not only crucial for the absorption of zinc but also has some hair loss preventing properties. These properties can be attributed to the ability of vitamin B6 to boost oxygen supply to the scalp. They are also best dietary sources of copper which is involved in melanin formation. This pigment is responsible for imparting color to your hair.

16. Moisturizes your Hair:

Sunflower seed oil is an inexpensive natural moisturizer for hair. It contains omega 6 fatty acids which help prevent thinning hair.

Sunflower Seeds: Nutritional Value:

Sunflower seeds are a nutrient rich food comprising of vitamins E and B and minerals like selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc as well as protein and heart healthy fats. Its nutritional profile is explained below.

See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:

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Nutrient Value

Percentage of RDA

Energy 584 Kcal 29%
Carbohydrates 20 g 15%
Protein 20.78 g 37%
Total Fat 51.46 g 172%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 8.6 g 23%

Folates 227 µg 57%
Niacin 8.335 mg 52%
Pantothenic acid 1.130 mg 22%
Pyridoxine 1.345 mg 103%
Riboflavin 0.355 mg 27%
Thiamin 1.480 mg 123%
Vitamin A 50 IU 1.6%
Vitamin C 1.4 2%
Vitamin E 35.17 mg 234%

Sodium 9 mg 1%
Potassium 645 mg 14%

Calcium 78 mg 8%
Copper 1.800 mg 200%
Iron 5.25 mg 63%
Magnesium 325 mg 81%
Manganese 1.950 mg 85%
Phosphorus 660 mg 94%
Selenium 53 µg 96%
Zinc 5.00 mg 45%

Carotene-ß 30 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg
Vitamin E: Sunflower seeds are one of the best sources of vitamin E. An ounce of sunflower seeds contain 10 mg of vitamin E which is 35% of a person’s recommended daily requirement. This nutrient helps in blood circulation and formation of red blood cells (RBCs).

Vitamin B1: Sunflower seeds are also a good source of vitamin B1 or thiamine. An ounce of hulled sunflower seeds provides 0.4 milligrams of this nutrient. The recommended daily requirement of vitamin B1 is 1.2 milligrams and 1.1 milligrams for men and women respectively.
Calories and Fat: Sunflower seeds are rich in heart healthy fat with nearly 80% of their calories coming from fat. They mostly contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which provide about 160 calories per ounce serving.
Protein and Fiber: Sunflower seeds are also high in protein. A 3.5 ounce serving of these seeds contain 22.78 grams of protein. They are also a good source of fiber providing about 10.5 grams per 3.5 ounce serving.
Copper: Sunflower seeds are beneficial for your hair and skin due to their copper content. An ounce of sunflower seeds provides 512 micrograms of copper which is more than 50% of the recommended requirement of 900 micrograms.
Potassium: Sunflower seeds are also a good source of potassium with a quarter cup serving providing 226 milligrams of this mineral.
Zinc: They are also a good source of zinc. Proper intake of this mineral is important for male fertility. A quarter cup serving of sunflower seeds contains 1.75 milligrams of zinc. The recommended daily requirement is 11 mg for men.
So start finding ways to include sunflower seeds in your daily diet regimen. Aside from eating seeds in raw form, you can also mix an ounce of the seeds in your cold or hot beverage or sprinkle them over salads and other food servings Stay healthy, stay happy!!

51.46 g
Saturated 4.455 g
Monounsaturated 18.528 g
Polyunsaturated 23.137 g
20.78 g
Thiamine (B1) (129%) 1.48 mg
Riboflavin (B2) (30%) 0.355 mg
Niacin (B3) (56%) 8.335 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
(23%) 1.13 mg
Vitamin B6 (103%) 1.345 mg
Folate (B9) (57%) 227 μg
Choline (11%) 55.1 mg
Vitamin C (2%) 1.4 mg
Vitamin E (234%) 35.17 mg
Calcium (8%) 78 mg
Iron (40%) 5.25 mg
Magnesium (92%) 325 mg
Manganese (93%) 1.95 mg
Phosphorus (94%) 660 mg
Potassium (14%) 645 mg
Sodium (1%) 9 mg
Zinc (53%) 5 mg
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